Acupuncture for IVF

Studies have shown that acupuncture has helped many IVF recipients with their pregnancy success rates. Our IVF support plan begins months prior to your IVF procedure in order to improve the fertilization process. Treatments range from patient to patient and are based on each person’s individual situation. If you’re interested in our program, we will provide consultation and tailor a plan that fits your unique needs.

When to Use Chinese Medicine

Before IVF

Chinese Medicine helps the body before IVF by reducing harmful effects of stress hormones. It also helps by improving the hypothalamus –pituitary-ovarian function and increases the blood flow to the uterus. In addition, acupuncture enhances immune system function, improves sperm quality/quantity and supports the body overall in responding to an IVF cycle. Treatments can be started as close to one week before an IVF cycle and up to three months before a cycle.

During IVF

Typically, during the IVF cycle, acupuncture is performed once or twice a week in order to manage the uncomfortable side effects that may occur. Acupuncture also reduces stress and enhances the body’s ability to integrate IVF more successfully.

Day of Embryo Transfer

According to the cited study (Christian-Lauritzen-Institute, Ulm, Germany), acupuncture on the same day of the Embryo Transfer (ET) can improve implantation and the success of conception. The group that received acupuncture treatment had a 42.5% success rate of conception versus 26.3% in the ET group that received no treatment at all. The results show a significant improvement by adding acupuncture on the day of ET.

After IVF

Directly following ET, acupuncture can be helpful in not only reducing negative side effects, but also in assisting the body to regain balance and further support implantation. It also helps increase blood flow to the uterus and balances hormone levels.

In Between IVF Cycles

When patients have had the misfortune of a failed IVF, Chinese Medicine can help recuperate the body through its benefits on the reproductive system. Treatments can range from two weeks up to three months to prepare for the following cycles.

During Pregnancy

The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are the most crucial in terms of miscarriages. Chinese Medicine can help increase live birth rates through its ability to enhance blood flow, increase energy and harmonize hormonal functions. Acupuncture can also decrease uncomfortable symptoms experienced in the first trimester of pregnancy and can be continued to full term.

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